Saturday 2 April 2011

Fundraise for Japan Report

Date : 28th March - 1st April 2011
Aim: To raise funds to aid the victims of earthquake and tsunami in Japan. 

Posters for "Fundraise for Japan"

UNESCO was among the first in HELP University to react and lend a helping hand to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. We organized a raffle fundraiser called “Fundraise for Japan” to raise funds through the sale of raffle tickets to the student body. UNESCO members went all over campus from KPD to Wisma HELP and finally Main Block, selling raffle tickets. By the end of the week-long programme, our 15 man team had succeeded in raising approximately RM1072 from the raffle sale. We then had a lucky draw at KPD A, in which 3 winners were selected at random from a box of raffle stubs. Each winner received a cash prize equivalent to about 10% of the total donations received. This money was generously sponsored by the HELP Customer Marketing Department. We’d like to express our thanks to the donors which consisted of students, teachers and faculty staff for their generous donations. The money collected was in turn given to the HELP Department of Student Affairs and consequently directed to those in need in Japan.

Vincent's Representative (Fundraise for Japan)

Donations From Raffle Ticket Sales
External Donations
Sponsorship of Prize Money by HELP Customer Marketing Department
Sponsorship of Prize Money by UNESCO
Prize Money Awarded
Donations from Prize Winners
Total Donations Received


Thanks to your generosity, UNESCO has successfully collected RM1072 through numerous donations from raffle ticket sales and other sources.
We would like to thank all  HELP students who donated towards this cause.
100% of the proceeds will be directed to the Japan Embassy and used to aid victims of the tsunami and earthquake in Japan.

Special thanks to prize winners Rachel Ho and Vincent from HMC who donated back the prize money they received for winning the raffle.

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